
From application design to product maintenance to evaluating cost of ownership, WITTENSTEIN is dedicated to our customers for the lifecycle of their applications and beyond.

  • Engineering Support
  • 24/7 Service Hotline


Engineering Support & Consultation


You can always contact WITTENSTEIN North America for assistance with technical, design or application-specific questions:

  • Identify optimal products for your design
  • Address design considerations based on need
  • Request installation training and support

Motion control subassemblies are the driving force in a machine’s performance, and huge gains can be achieved by optimizing these systems. Leverage our holistic expertise to optimize your results:

  • Enhanced machine and process reliability
  • Optimized performance and productivity
  • Reduced development costs through time savings
  • Increased quality, throughput, safety and other performances that optimize cost of ownership
  • Development and production of special gearboxes (from prototype through to production readiness)
  • Noise optimization of gearboxes
  • Gearing design and optimization

From concept through implementation to re-investment, we stay with our customers to optimize results every step of the way.